Blue Ribbon Bags Will Give You $1000 No Questions Asked

Here at Vane, we’re always seeking new ways to minimize travel stress. The sources of stress while traveling are manifold, from bad food to disagreeable seatmates to losing your suitcase.

That last one is probably one of our biggest fears.

You know the feeling: you’ve just made it through a horrendous security line, you’re tired from a flight you couldn’t sleep on, now you’re waiting for what seems like just a little bit too long for your bag, scanning the piles of circling suitcases hopelessly.

When you finally accept that your suitcase isn’t going to show, you shuffle over defeatedly to the baggage claim desk and wait to hear its fate.

Meanwhile, we have no clothing and no idea when or if we will ever get our personal belongings back. It’s happened to us more than once, and it happens to so many people around the world on a regular basis.

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PHOTO: Vane Airport Media

The limits of travel insurance for luggage lost by an airline

Many travel insurance plans have sections that address lost luggage, but that coverage is often secondary to that of the coverage offered by the airline. Airlines are notoriously slow to address lost luggage concerns.

They require detailed paperwork like listing contents and providing receipts and often have small maximum payouts on lost luggage. The travel insurance that comes with your credit card also comes with maximum payouts and per-item limits. Many people only become aware of these cumbersome procedures and gaps in coverage after they’ve lost valuable belongings.

So how can we get real peace of mind when it comes to our luggage?

Blue Ribbon Bags will pay you $1000 for your lost bag

One company, Blue Ribbon Bags, offers a baggage tracking, return, and compensation service that outpaces anything else we’ve seen. I met with Robert Ardino from Blue Ribbon Bags to learn more about how the company is working to alleviate the trauma of lost luggage. I also used the service on my recent trip to Athens, Greece. Thankfully, my luggage was not lost.

How does it work?

You can get Blue Ribbon Bags’ baggage coverage for $5 is per passenger, not per bag.

When you report your baggage missing to the airline, they’ll track and expedite the return of your baggage. If your bags haven’t been found after 96 hours, Blue Ribbon Bags will send you $1000 per bag, guaranteed.

Seriously, there’s no catch, that’s how it works.

How do I get it?

They currently do not have an app, but you can purchase via their website. 

Just put in your trip info (name, email, airline and airline confirmation number) and select the level of coverage you want ($5 = $1000 per bag; $7.50 = $1,500; $10 = $2000). It covers every flight on every airline in the world, and you can purchase the service right up until the moment before your flight departs.

The best part is, you don’t have to provide proof of baggage contents like you do with other forms of coverage. They’ll send you $1000 no questions asked, even if your bag is returned after the 96-hour service window!

It almost makes us want to lose our luggage on purpose! (OK maybe not quite.)

With all the sources of stress we have to deal with when we travel, we think $5 is a no-brainer when it comes to achieving peace of mind with our luggage. What do you think?

What’s your worst lost luggage horror story? Let us know in the comments below and tag your wellness travel community #ITravelWell when you fly!

Cristina Alcivar

Founder and Editor of Vane Airport Magazine. Passionate about everything well-being, love travel, the ocean, and the sun.

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