10 Ways to Get Healthy On-The-Fly at San Diego Airport

Traveling for business or pleasure can easily derail your health and fitness regime. It’s easy to fall into the trap of high calorie meals and little exercise because “I’m too busy” or you’re travelling. On our last trip to California we found a bunch of ways to get healthy at San Diego Airport.

Wellness is much more than merely physical health, exercise or nutrition. It is the full integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. I compiled a few tips while I was at San Diego Airport that will help you to maintain a reasonably healthy lifestyle during your travels. Here’s what I discovered about the ways to get healthy at San Diego Airport.

10 ways to get healthy at San Diego Airport


1. Get healthy by making your own fresh salad.

You can make your own salad on the spot at Artisan Market. You can take it with you or eat it at the airport. Forget the pre-made, unknown expiry date salad. We’ve seen some pretty bad salads during our travels so it’s probably best to make your own.

Location: Terminal 2, Gate 23
Hours: 5:00 AM – 10:30 PM Daily

Shower at San Diego Airport

2. Get healthy by taking a shower.

Did you know that taking a cold shower can improve your immunity and circulation and even burn fat? It might not be pleasant, but the results are! How? According to Longvegity Magazine, the cold water “speeds up your metabolic rate, as your body must work to raise the temperature of the water”. Airspace Lounge has showers to get healthy at San Diego Airport.

Location: Terminal 2 near Gate 23
Hours: 5:00 AM – 10:15 PM Daily

3. Get healthy by getting some pampering on the fly at Be Relax Spa.

Pampering yourself helps you feel better about yourself and helps to boost your confidence. But you already knew that, right?

Location: Terminal 2 West,  Floor 2, Gate 36
Hours: 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM

4. Get healthy by heading over to The Spirit of Silence, or Reflection Room.

Meditating or praying is a great way to get healthy at San Diego Airport. Clear your mind, breathe and namaste!

Location: Post-security in Terminal 2
Hours: 24 hours a day, daily

healthy food San diego Airport
PHOTO via Yelp.

5. Get healthy by eating authentic and delicious Thai food.

The award-winning Saffron Thai is San Diego’s first authentic Thai restaurant. Chef Su-Mei Yu, a Bangkok native, designed the menu for Body, Mind and Spirit.

Location: Terminal 2, Sunset Cove
Hours: 9:00 AM – 10:00 PM daily

6. Get healthy by breaking a sweat.

Don’t worry, I’m not suggesting you break a mean sweat session, but doing some light stretching and 15 minutes of exercise will give your metabolism and mood an upward boost.

Airport Therapy Dog at San Diego Airport

7. Get healthy by petting a dog to help reduce stress and anxiety.

All dogs wear a tabard identifying them as “Pet me” therapy dogs and are ready to be touched. They can end up being your best friend during your layover! This might be out favourite way to get healthy at San Diego Airport.

You can get some TLC between the hours of 9 am and 1 pm, weekdays, but not on a daily basis depending on the availability of the team.  The airport therapy dogs are primarily in Terminal 2 East and West, post security.

PHOTO: San Diego Airport

8. Get healthy by playing the piano even though you may not know how.

You will laugh, distract your busy mind and be taken into the present. All are invited to try out the piano that was originally commissioned for the San Diego Symphony Orchestra’s Pianos.

Location: Pre-security in the T2 West Rotunda

Water refilling station San Diego Airport

9. Get healthy by drinking lots of water.

San Diego Airport has many hydration stations located all throughout the airport.

10 ways to get healthy at san diego airport - vane magazine
PHOTO: zomato.com

10. Get healthy by enjoying some farm-to-table comfort food.

Bankers Hill Bar & Restaurant has insanely delicious comfort (yet healthy) food to indulge in during your layover.

Location: Terminal 1, near gate 7

Cristina Alcivar

Founder and Editor of Vane Airport Magazine. Passionate about everything well-being, love travel, the ocean, and the sun.

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